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Published by Wajam

WajaInternetEnhance Publisher's Description

Add relevant results from your friends to your regular search results. Invite friends to Wajam and help them find what you share. Your browser settings, web proxy or other Internet settings may be...  Read more


Latest version: (i2.6)
Location:C:\Program Files\wajam
Install size:772.31 KB (790,841 bytes)
About URL:http://www.freeappinstall.com
Uninstall:C:\Program Files\Wajam\uninstall.exe

The trust score is the reputation of WajaInternetEnhance based on a number of factors including malware scans, behvaior, uninstall trends and general user experiences.
Poor Below average Good Excellent

Reasons behind trust score

  • Very poorly rated by third-party sources and expert users.
  • Known to bundle potentially unwanted software offers during installation.

Trend data unavailable until this program becomes quantified in the next few days.

Technical data unavailable until we have completed full research for this program.

Installs by Country

Installs in the United States

View apps software from Wajam

Versions (i2.6 100.00%


  • WajaInternetEnhance is developed by Wajam.
  • This software is potentially unwanted based on the trust factor and experience of other users.
  • The app's installer will bundle additional software during setup which could include potentially unwanted programs.
  • The current user reach of this app is about 0.0002% of all PC users, however this reach has declined from a lifetime average of 0.0002%.
  • This program has a higher than normal uninstall rate of about 81.0%.

Operating Systems

Windows 7 50.00%
Windows 8 50.00%

PC Manufacturers

ASUS 50.00%
HP 50.00%
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