Fallout 76
Published by Bethesda Softworks
Location: | C:\Program Files\bethesda.net launcher |
Install size: | 218.97 MB (229,608,291 bytes) |
Help link: | https://help.bethesda.net/app/home |
The trust score is the reputation of Fallout 76 based on a number of factors including malware scans, behvaior, uninstall trends and general user experiences.
Below average
Reasons behind trust score
- This app has a very high trust score.
Trend data unavailable until this program becomes quantified in the next few days.
Technical Details
BethesdaNetLauncher.exe |
Name: | Bethesda.net Launcher |
MD5: | 9ac8b7561eadfe68015a20dc65dc3ebd |
BethesdaNetReporter.exe |
Name: | Bethesda.net Reporter |
MD5: | 05478307a0bc92ba12596e6be6015a1c |
BethesdaNetUpdater.exe |
Name: | Bethesda.net Updater |
MD5: | 9d8faf846f76c322a2f898d3c65f3b59 |
BethesdaNetHelper.exe |
Name: | Bethesda.net Helper |
MD5: | 8daef2cef728e2e4b295dc77a37e3449 |
ClientLibrary.dll |
Name: | ClientLibrary DLL |
MD5: | 72ed2fef40b16b723225afaf38b4b668 |
unins000.exe |
Description: | Setup/Uninstall |
MD5: | 4487f7d274bca5ed1be4d9940dfa9d54 |
BsSndRpt.exe |
Publisher: | BugSplat |
Name: | BugSplat Crash Report Send Utility |
Description: | Crash reporting Send Utility, BsSndRpt.exe |
MD5: | 96963b2879f5782cce303ceb53fa5154 |
BugSplat.dll |
Publisher: | BugSplat |
Name: | BugSplat Dynamic Link Library |
Description: | Crash reporting module, BugSplat.DLL |
MD5: | 9e7c92e01eecf856d4839f9be8e99e42 |
BugSplatRc.dll |
Publisher: | BugSplat |
Name: | BugSplatRc Dynamic Link Library |
Description: | Crash reporting module, BugSplatRc |
MD5: | 96a299a82dd961336a505b5a595b4e0a |
chrome_elf.dll |
Publisher: | The Chromium Authors |
Name: | Chromium |
MD5: | e823d219d12e9ca16123245991293d39 |
concrt140.dll |
Publisher: | Microsoft |
Name: | Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2015 |
MD5: | bb7293add679a5688fcdd03f44de4b90 |
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