Oblivion - Construction Set
Published by Bethesda Softworks
Oblivion - Construction Set Publisher's Description
The Construction Set (CS for short) is a tool that can be used to view and edit the game's data files. The CS is an external program that is run separately from the game of Oblivion. The program is... Read more
Latest version: | 1.00.0000 |
Location: | C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\ |
Install size: | 9.99 MB (10,478,629 bytes) |
About URL: | http://www.bethsoft.com |
Help link: | http://support.bethsoft.com |
Language: | English (9) |
Uninstall: | RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~2\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\11\00\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\program files\InstallShield Installation Information\{2 |
The trust score is the reputation of Oblivion - Construction Set based on a number of factors including malware scans, behvaior, uninstall trends and general user experiences.
Below average
Reasons behind trust score
- Adds a recurring scheduled task to Windows.
Trend data unavailable until this program becomes quantified in the next few days.
Technical Details
OblivionLauncher.exe |
Behavior: | Scheduled Task |
Name: | Bethesda Softworks Oblivion Launcher |
MD5: | 7ac44ff0a14ccc3090ea6b09c66735a7 |
Oblivion.exe |
Behavior: | Scheduled Task |
Name: | TES4: Oblivion |
MD5: | 97c6700edadcfd407a0cc0c988c6b9e0 |
obse_loader.exe |
Behavior: | Scheduled Task |
Name: | obse |
Description: | A component of the Oblivion Script Extender |
MD5: | c4fea6681c0ad583e062dc77aef5418c |
TESConstructionSet.exe |
Name: | Bethesda Softworks TES Construction Set |
Description: | TES Construction Set |
MD5: | 43c5ee59f440dfae60a77e3162aab357 |
Oblivion2.exe |
MD5: | 031a9353cd1fd3590992411df71adb77 |
Oblivion-old.exe |
MD5: | 05b78022bc32bc84183f7442263f9dde |
obse_1_2_416.dll |
MD5: | 3662643867cd253646513a0722b4f52e |
obse_editor_1_2.dll |
MD5: | 1b0de7055d5979c7ddd95adc453b2d23 |
OblivionModManager.exe |
Publisher: | Timeslip |
MD5: | 670a84c2b53a26517e62d60d297f0318 |
obse_editor_1_0.dll |
MD5: | 586b1dea718f76137757dcc18775965e |
unins000.exe |
Description: | Setup/Uninstall |
MD5: | aa90ccb95e5ef379fd5cabb0218321e2 |
Geography of Installations
Installs by Country
35.9% |
19.2% |
11.5% |
6.4% |
3.8% |
2.6% |
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1.3% |
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1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
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Installs in the United States
Latest Installs
Comments for Oblivion - Construction Set
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