Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition
Published by Ubisoft
Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition Publisher's Description
Extensive course on the basics of chess taught by International Chess Master Josh Waitzkin. 600,000+ game database; coverage of all classic and modern opening variations. 900 of chess's most important... Read more
Latest version: | 1.02.0000 |
Location: | C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition\ |
Install size: | 1.35 MB (1,410,770 bytes) |
About URL: | http://www.ubisoft.com |
Help link: | http://staging.cmxi.ubi.com |
Language: | English (United States) (1033) |
Uninstall: | C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{27614800-84A9-484E-9CCB-43ED2F1205F5}\setup.exe -runfromtemp -l0x0409 |
The trust score is the reputation of Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition based on a number of factors including malware scans, behvaior, uninstall trends and general user experiences.
Below average
Reasons behind trust score
- Adds a recurring scheduled task to Windows.
- Automatically starts up each time any user logs into Windows.
- Integrates into Internet Explorer through a BHO extension.
- Plugs into the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
- Based on a large sample set of user sentiment.
Global Reach
Technical Details
gu.exe (Main Executable) |
Common path: | C:\Games\gu.exe |
MD5: | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
zlib1.dll |
Behavior: | ActiveX Install |
MD5: | 80e41408f6d641dc1c0f5353a0cc8125 |
CustomGUI.dll |
Name: | CustomControls |
MD5: | 2bc3d5b2e0a29ead556c131441cfea26 |
game.exe |
MD5: | 4101108acbc9f26b4676aea2991784d0 |
Anim8.dll |
Description: | Animation Library |
MD5: | 517a27dfced280b57662fe227226fe7a |
Chessmaster.exe |
MD5: | a2f1807b5dde0ecf6ceb8642997fe0a0 |
CMBench.dll |
Description: | Benchmark Library |
MD5: | 0b0cd10ba18d87f787524786afb36b00 |
cmprn.dll |
Name: | cmprn Library |
MD5: | f6a631a16ccb22633a2ab41a3955ed95 |
DatFile.dll |
Name: | DatFile Library |
MD5: | 5da6d0510723143818590e82afade828 |
Display8.dll |
Name: | Display8 Library |
MD5: | 1c032a207ed935eebc75afd524de22a7 |
MemManage.dll |
Name: | MemManage Library |
MD5: | a4d99920425f95e58259329baa0185f1 |
Geography of Installations
Installs by Country
32.1% |
5.7% |
5.7% |
4.4% |
3.8% |
3.1% |
3.1% |
3.1% |
2.5% |
2.5% |
2.5% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
1.9% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
US |
GB |
GR |
BE |
CA |
FR |
HR |
IN |
IT |
RS |
SE |
AU |
BR |
DE |
MX |
NL |
AR |
BG |
ES |
IL |
Installs in the United States
Latest Installs
Comments for Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition
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