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Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 per Windows Desktop - ITA

Published by Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 per Windows Desktop - ITA Publisher's Description

Develop in any native Windows language including C#, VB.NET, and C++. Extend your ambitions with support for Windows 8 desktop, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms (WinForms), and...  Read more


Latest version:11.0.50727.42
Location:C:\ProgramData\package cache\{76e8b526-f338-4d25-ac91-6a867fd0b1cb}
Install size:2.7 MB (2,834,259 bytes)
About URL:http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/products/visual-studio-express-for-windows-desktop
Download page:http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/products/visual-studio-express-for-windows-desktop
Uninstall:"C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{76e8b526-f338-4d25-ac91-6a867fd0b1cb}\wdexpress_full.exe" /uninstall

The trust score is the reputation of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 per Windows Desktop - ITA based on a number of factors including malware scans, behvaior, uninstall trends and general user experiences.
Poor Below average Good Excellent

Reasons behind trust score

  • This app has a very high trust score.

Trend data unavailable until this program becomes quantified in the next few days.

wdexpress_full.exe (Main Executable)
Common path:C:\ProgramData\package cache\{76e8b526-f338-4d25-ac91-6a867fd0b1cb}\wdexpress_full.exe

Installs by Country

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11.0.50727.42 100.00%

Operating Systems

Windows 7 68.00%
Windows 8 28.00%
Windows XP 4.00%

PC Manufacturers

HP 21.05%
ASUS 15.79%
Dell 15.79%
Acer 15.79%
AMI 10.53%
Samsung 10.53%
Lenovo 5.26%
Toshiba 5.26%
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