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RoadRunner Toolbar Firefox

Published by Time Warner Inc.

RoadRunner Toolbar Firefox Publisher's Description

Whatever you need—search, weather, email, news...download the new toolbar to put it all at your fingertips. Waiting for mail? Your toolbar will alert you when new messages arrive so you can stay...  Read more


Latest version:
Uninstall:C:\users\user\appdata\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\doggvrrf.default\roadrunnertb_uninstaller\uninstall.exe /UN=FF

The trust score is the reputation of RoadRunner Toolbar Firefox based on a number of factors including malware scans, behvaior, uninstall trends and general user experiences.
Poor Below average Good Excellent

Reasons behind trust score

  • Poorly rated based on user's overall sentiment.

Trend data unavailable until this program becomes quantified in the next few days.

Technical data unavailable until we have completed full research for this program.

Installs by Country

Installs in the United States

Latest Installs

View apps software from Time Warner Inc.

Versions 100.00%


  • RoadRunner Toolbar Firefox is developed by Time Warner Inc..
  • This software has a low than expected trust factor which might be a reason to remove it.
  • This program has a higher than normal uninstall rate of about 50.0%.

Operating Systems

Windows 8 83.33%
Windows 7 16.67%

PC Manufacturers

HP 50.00%
ASUS 25.00%
Dell 25.00%
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