ATI Technologies, Inc.

ATI Technologies Inc. focuses on the development of graphics processing units and chipsets. It was acquired by Advanced Micro Devices. In addition to developing high-end GPUs for PCs and Apple Macs, ATI also designed embedded versions for laptops (Mobility Radeon), PDAs and mobile rings, integrated...  Read more

28 known apps
ATI Avivo is a set of hardware and low level software features present on the ATI Radeon R520 family of GPUs...
AMD Catalyst (formerly named ATI Catalyst) is a device driver and utility software package for ATI/AMD line of...
AMD Catalyst (formerly named ATI Catalyst) is a device driver and utility software package for ATI/AMD line of...
AMD Catalyst (formerly named ATI Catalyst) is a device driver and utility software package for ATI line of...
AMD Catalyst (formerly named ATI Catalyst) is a device driver and utility software package for ATI line of...
HydraVision is a desktop/screen management software mostly providing multi-monitor and virtual-screen...
This is the software driver package for the installed ATI Display video card. The driver package is required...
HydraVision is a desktop/screen management software mostly providing multi-monitor and virtual-screen...
ATI Parental Control & Encoder program is a component of the ATI Control Center (or Catalyst) that enables...
The ATI Problem Report Wizard is a support utility that is used by customer support to help diagnose issues...
The ATI Software Uninstall Utility is typically installed when you install a video driver for an ATI video...
This standalone uninstallation utility will clean your system of any existing AMD Catalyst™ drivers to prepare...
The ATI Stream Software Development Kit (SDK) is a complete development platform created by AMD to allow you...
HydraVision™ Multi-monitor Management Software enables you to tailor your desktop to the way you work, so you...
ATI Multimedia Center™ found herein is provided as an UPDATE to previous versions included on original...
Architects, engineers, graphic designers and visual effects artists need stable, reliable and high performance...
AMD’s award-winning ATI Catalyst Control Center™ delivers high performance, easy configurability, and advanced...
AMD collaborated with Autodesk® to optimize its latest ATI FirePro™ hardware for a number of applications,...
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