Valve is a video game development and digital distribution company through Steam best known for its critically acclaimed product, Half-Life. It is also well known for its social-distribution network Steam, and for developing the Source engine, which has been used in every product since its... Read more
We started with Half-Life, the first-person, sci-fi shooter game that’s won more than 50 Game of the Year and a few 'Best Game Ever' awards. We expanded the Half-Life franchise with a sequel and Half-Life 2 Episodes 1 and 2. Then we added... Read more
100 known apps, showing the top 78 most used.
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation....
Half-Life 2 the sequel to Half-Life, is a first-person shooter video game and a signature title in the...
Left 4 Dead 2 is a cooperative first-person shooter video game and the sequel to Valve Corporation's...
Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed...
Left 4 Dead is a cooperative first-person shooter arcade-style video game. It was developed by Turtle Rock...
Portal is a first-person puzzle-platform video game developed by Valve Corporation. The game primarily...
Portal 2 is a first-person puzzle-platform video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. The retail...
Half-Life 2: Episode One is a first-person shooter video game, the first in a series of episodes that serve as...
Counter-Strike: Source is a first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. It is a complete...
Day of Defeat: Source is a team-based first-person shooter multiplayer video game developed by Valve...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an online first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden...
Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena video game, and the stand-alone sequel to the Defense of the...
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast is a small additional level for the first-person shooter video game Half-Life 2....
Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation in tandem with...
Team Fortress Classic is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve...
Counter-Strike is a tactical first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation which originated...
Day of Defeat (DoD) is a team-based multiplayer World War II first-person shooter video game of the European...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an online first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden...
Deathmatch Classic or DMC is a multiplayer video game developed by Valve. The gameplay is similar to Quake...
Portal: First Slice consists of test chambers 00-10, with a total of 11 test chambers. It was originally...
Team Fortress 2 is a team-based first-person shooter (FPS) multiplayer video game developed by Valve...
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a multiplayer video game and the follow-up to Counter-Strike. Unlike other...
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a multiplayer video game and the follow-up to Counter-Strike. Unlike other...
Alien Swarm is a freeware top-down shoot-em-up video game by Valve Corporation. It is a remake of the Alien...
Dota 2 Test is an experimental version of Dota 2 where upcoming changes are tested before being implemented...
This distribution of the game is installed using the Desura (Linden Lab) digital distribution application...
This distribution of the game is installed using the Desura (Linden Lab) digital distribution application...
Half-Life is a science fiction first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. The player takes the...
The Desura distribution of the game is a DRM version that is downloaded and installed through the Desura PC...
The Desura distribution of the game is a DRM version that is downloaded and installed through the Desura PC...
This is an addon mod for the Left 4 Dead 2 video game. It requires the .Net framework 3.5.
The Portal 2 Authoring Tools is designed for creating maps, viewing models and more.
Winner of over 50 Game of the Year awards, Half-Life set new standards for action games when it was released...
The Source SDK is freely available to all Steam users. It is used to develop mods and content for the Source...
The Portal 2 Authoring Tools include versions of the same tools we used to make Portal 2. They'll allow you to...
The Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools, also known as an SDK, is a set of software utilities that allow you to...
The Alien Swarm Authoring Tools, also known as an SDK, is a set of software utilities that allow you to create...
RaceRoom Racing Experience is a Free2Race game that connects fans of racing around a game, motorsports portal...
Fast multiplayer action set in the Half-Life 2 universe! HL2's physics adds a new dimension to deathmatch...
Alien Swarm (2010) is a completely free top-down shoot-em-up for up to four co-op players, created by Black...