
From the privacy policy on zendeals.com - "We may also display directly in your search engine search results, relevant and customized content, results and advertising, and may highlight or identify ZenDeals.com merchants that appear in your results, so that you may continue to take full advantage of...  Read more
ZenDeals delights online shoppers by saving you time and money. Founded in 2011, ZenDeals is funded by Innovation Endeavors, and Facebook and Zynga executives. ZenDeals’ business team is made up of Stanford MBAs and second time...  Read more

3 known apps
ZenDeals' ZD Manager is a web browser add-in that analyzes web sites your browser visits and attempts to find...
ZenDeals' ZD Manager is a web browser add-in that analyzes web sites your browser visits and attempts to find...
ZenDeals' ZD Manager is a web browser add-in that analyzes web sites your browser visits and attempts to find...
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